MCQC J162847-4152: Radio Flare of a Microquasar Candidate

In IAUC 7968, Rupen et al. (NRAO) reported that a strong (about 3-mJy) radio transient was detected by VLA on Sept. 9. The nominal position of this transient agrees closely with the position of a probable microquasar 1RXS J162848.1-415241 = GSC 7861.1088 (vsnet-campaign-xray 155, vsnet-campaign 1336). The object had been optically calm until September 1 (vsnet-campaign 1337, vsnet-campaign-xray 156). B. Monard performed time-series photometry on September 13 and obtained a light curve without any modulations (vsnet-campaign-xray 158).


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