IM Nor: Recurrent Nova

W. Liller discovered an eruption of the recurrent nova IM Nor on photographs taken between Jan. 10.3432 and Jan 10.3595. The object had already been bright as seen in photos taken on Jan. 3.3479 and Jan. 3.3493, and nothing was visible at the position of the star on Oct. 13 down to magnitude 11.5. IM Nor was originally discovered by I.E. Woods at 9th magnitude on a blue-sensitive plate taken on July 7, 1920. No other outbursts were found (vsnet-campaign-npva 689, 695, 700, vsnet-campaign-news 122). The proposed identification of IM Nor with 2U 1536-52 (as referred in IAUC 7789) has proven to be false. 2U 1536-52 is an high-mass X-ray binary QV Nor (vsnet-campaign-nova 717). A low-dispersion objective prism spectrum, taken Jan. 12.351 UT by W. Liller, showed H-alpha to be very strong and relatively narrow with FWHM = 950 km/sec +/-50 (vsnet-campaign-nova 707, 708). T. Kato suggested its outburst amplitude of 9mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 716, 718, 719, 720, 721).  

B. Liller reported that the object was V=7.84 and brightening on January 14 (vsnet-campaign-nova 728). Visual observations also confirmed this tendency (vsnet-campaign-nova 735). Subsequently, B. Liller reported further brighter magnitude of V=7.66 on January 16 (vsnet-campaign-nova 737). In late January 16, the object is reported to suddenly faded to 8.7mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 738). The similar fading was confirmed on January 17 by G. J. Garradd (vsnet-campaign-nova 744, 746, 750), and then the object started gradual fading (vsnet-campaign-nova 755).  The object entered a plateau phase in September (vsnet-campaign-nova 974).

Other articles:
vsnet-campaign-nova 710, 712, 715, 725, 742, 733, 752, 760, 761, 763, 779, 784, 788, 791, 804, 807, 809, 810, 812, 815, 816, 820, 821, 822, 823, 829, 831, 835, 839, 849, 861, 865, 873, 886, 896, 924, 933


Some useful comparison stars, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 699]

Sequence, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 702, 726]

IM Nor CCD image taken by B. Monard:
[vsnet-campaign-nova 734]

Preprint by T. Kato et al.:

VSNET special page for this object:

General Information about This Object

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