UV Per: Rare superoutburst on December

As reported by M. Simonsen on December 25 in [vsnet-outburst 1233], the SU UMa-type dwarf nova UV Per experienced one of its relatively rare outbursts at 12.0mag. The most recent outbursts were in 1999 June (mv=12.8, Poyner, normal outburst) and 1998 July superoutburst. The outburst interval suggest that this outburst is a superoutburst (vsnet-campaign 613, 614). The Kyoto team performed four hours time-series photometry on December 25, and confirmed the outburst at about 12.2mag (vsnet-campaign 615). From the 6.5-hour observation on December 25, the Kyoto team have been able to detect growing superhumps. The amplitude grew from less than 0.1 mag to 0.15 mag. The other striking feature is the superimposed relatively rapid fading (0.3 mag/d). The superhump period determined from the run is 0.0678 d, which is substanstially longer than that obtained by other authros on earlier superoutbursts. This suggests that the superhump was still in its unsteady phase. It is also striking to note such an early apperance of superhumps in such a short period system. (vsnet-campaign 622). In the Kyoto data on December 26, we have apparently witnessed the most important stage of the early development of superoutburst. Fully grown superhumps, with amplitudes nearly 0.4 mag, were seen. (vsnet-campaign 627). The VSNET Collaboration team has received excellent data from B. Martin. The analysis of combined data with Kyoto observations, the best superhump period is determined as 0.06661 d, which is slightly longer than the previously published period. (vsnet-campaign 639).

(Data sets on UV Per from J. Pietz and K. Torii (NASDA, Japan)) (vsnet-campaign 642)

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