Mazza's and Pesci's SN candidate in NGC 5308 has been designated as SN 1996bk according to IAUC No. 6491.
13h 46m 57s.98 +60o 58' 12".9 (J2000.0, measured by J. Mackey)
type: a spectrum by J. Huchra and L. Macri on Oct. 15.1 UT suggests type Ia about a week past maximum.
Taichi Kato
About the SN 1996bk : I observed this object on October 13 & 14 1996 with my 30.5-cm Schmidt Cassegrain at 436x. The SN is a difficult object close to the nucleus of the galaxy. Two estimates with the sequence of RR UMa were made. October 13.8 : 13.9, October 14.8 : 14.1, thse estimates were submitted to the AAVSO. The galaxy itself is elongated and seen edge-on, about magnitude 11 visually.