Possible Nova Pup 2000 (Kanatsu Object) = V445 Pup

(vsnet-alert 5473)

(CCD image taken at Kyoto University)

(CCD image taken by G. Masi)

Possible Nova in Pup

Kazuyoshi Kanatsu (Matsue, Shimane, Japan) reports the discovery of a new variable star, which is likely a nova based on the absence of apparent counterparts on his previous image, DSS and 2MASS. Kanatsu reports no apparent movement between his two exposures and no registered minor planet at this position.

    The coordinates reported by Kanatsu are:

    RA  07h 37m 58s
    DE -25d 56m 51s

    The object is located 50" NE of GSC6543.2322.

Confirmatory observations and, if confirmed, spectroscopy are very urgently requested.

We use the tentative designation PUPnova2000 in this report.

object         YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  code
PUPnova2000    20000115.719  <117p  Knk.VSOLJ
PUPnova2000    20001222.731    87p  Knk.VSOLJ
PUPnova2000    20001222.733    86p  Knk.VSOLJ


observer:Kazuyoshi Kanatsu

(vsnet-alert 5475)

Possible Nova in Pup: prediscovery observations by Takamizawa

Kesao Takamizawa (Nagano, Japan) reports the following prediscovery observations on his patrol films. Takamizawa reports that the object was not recorded on 22 films (limiting magnitude 14) between 1994 March 14 and 1999 December 3. Takamizawa reports the presence of a close companion of 14.5 mag.

object         YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  code
PUPnova2000    19991203.790  <140p  Tmz.VSOLJ
PUPnova2000    20001128.703   86p  Tmz.VSOLJ
PUPnova2000    20001222.578   88p  Tmz.VSOLJ

Observer's code:
  Tmz: K.Takamizawa (Saku-machi,Nagano,Japan)
       SASS (Saku All Sky Survey)
       Inst.: 10cmR F4 twin patrol cameras  T-Max400 120

(vsnet-alert 5476)

Possible Nova in Pup: CCD photometry by Takao

Akira Takao (Kitakyushu-City, Fukuola-Pref., Japan) reports the following confirmatory observation tonight. The unfiltered CCD magnitude was determined using the Tycho-2 comparison star.

object         YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  code
PUPnova2000    20001230.585   88C  Toa.VSOLJ

compared to 073755.8 -255937 (2000.0) 874 0.30 TYC2-6543.2917.1
instruments:200mm F4 Telephotolens+ST-8,unfiltered

Observer's code:
  Toa: Akira Takao (Kitakyushu-City,Fukuola-Pref., Japan)


   Selected comparison stars from Hipparcos/Tycho:

                           V   B-V
073839.6 -261859 (2000.0) 713 -0.09 TYC2-6547.2624.1 (7.12 0.01) (7.01 0.01)
073532.5 -260913 (2000.0) 773 -0.05 TYC2-6543.473.1 (7.73 0.01) (7.67 0.01)
073912.1 -252642 (2000.0) 826 -0.06 TYC2-6543.1948.1 (8.25 0.01) (8.18 0.02)
073755.8 -255937 (2000.0) 874 0.30 TYC2-6543.2917.1 (8.78 0.01) (9.13 0.01)
073702.5 -255113 (2000.0) 878 0.11 TYC2-6543.3212.1 (8.79 0.01) (8.92 0.01)
073706.4 -255557 (2000.0) 918 0.20 TYC2-6543.2220.1 (9.20 0.01) (9.43 0.02)
073802.7 -260046 (2000.0) 988 -0.04 TYC2-6543.2924.1 (9.87 0.02) (9.82 0.02)
073758.8 -255747 (2000.0) 1040 0.06 TYC2-6543.2322.1 (10.41 0.03) (10.49 0.03)
(vsnet-alert 5481)

These stars extracted from my photometric reference file should help extend the calibration near the nova to fainter limits for wide-field images and allow local zero-point adjustment of GSC and USNO-Ax.x magnitudes closer to the object. I note that GSC magnitudes are a few tenths fainter than V in this area.


Name             RA   (2000)   Dec        GSC       V     B-V
LF12  39       7 39 42.8   -26 28 03   6547-2012  10.37   1.13
LF12  26       7 37 57.2   -25 33 41   6543-2074  10.39   0.28
LF12   7       7 35 04.6   -26 15 10   6547-0059  10.65   0.10
LF12  53       7 41 44.0   -26 15 14   6548-2407  10.86   1.04
LF12  43       7 40 13.2   -26 35 57   6547-2182  11.45   0.08
LF12  19       7 37 17.0   -24 22 17   6539-3128  11.53   1.15
LF12  54       7 41 46.8   -25 34 36   6544-0950  11.54   1.10
Loden 2 3      7 41 02.4   -24 09 04   6540-4412  11.60   0.02
LF12  44       7 40 32.4   -26 53 41   6548-3449  11.67   1.18
Loden 2 4      7 41 04.7   -24 09 06   6540-3880  11.80   1.07
LF12  12       7 36 38.4   -26 05 11   6543-3321  12.19   0.45
LF12  13       7 36 50.1   -26 07 40   6543-3227  12.26   0.11
Loden 2 12     7 40 53.6   -24 17 12   6540-4155  12.38   0.16
Loden 2 11     7 40 59.4   -24 16 21   6540-2650  12.67   0.34
Loden 2 10     7 41 05.9   -24 14 58   6540-3952  12.98   0.55
Loden 2 14     7 40 43.6   -24 14 37   6540-4295  13.52   0.17


(vsnet-alert 5482)

For visual observers we have placed a chart (2.5 x 3 degrees) of the possible nova in Puppis with comparison stars from Hipparcos/Tycho down to 11th magnitude at the following URL: http://www.shopplaza.nl/astro/vs-charts/novapuppis.htm

Reinder Bouma/Edwin van Dijk

Chart with Henden V-sequence (Japan Variable Stars Study Association)

Wide-field chart

Charts with Hipparcos/Tycho magnitudes:

VSNET light curve (requires Java)

Light curve

VSNET data search


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