Nova Crucis 1996 = CP Cru

IAUC No. 6463 (1996 Aug. 28) reports W. Liller's discovery of a probable nova in Crux.


      12h 10m.51   (J2000.0)
     -61o 45'.3

Magnitude estimates from the IAUC issue and VSNET messages:

   1996 Aug.  7.0   <11.5  (Liller)
             26.98    9.25 (Liller, CCD V-band, GSC seq.)
             27.746  10.4  (Monard)
             27.781  10.1  (Overbeek, visual)
             28.401  10.3  (Tilbrook)
             28.702  10.8  (Monard)
             29.720  11.0  (Monard)
             30.429  10.8  (Nelson)
             30.451  11.0  (Farrell)
             30.717  11.3  (Monard)
             31.419  11.4  (Farrell)
The object is fading very rapidly.

Spectroscopic confirmation and determination of a reliable comparison sequence are highly desired.

IAUC No. 6468 (1996 Sep. 3) tells the precise position as follows:

      12h 10m 31s.40
     -61o 45' 09".6  (J2000.0; measured by G. J. Garradd)

VSNET light curve (requires Java)

Light curve

VSNET data search



Finding chart from GSC
Chart from GSC, with magnitudes
SkyView image

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