Possible Nova Sco -- follow-up Lillerの分光で輝線が観測され、ほぼ確実に新星であることが確認されました。 以下は AstroAlert に流したニュースです。 **************************************************************** Possible Nova in Sco Discovered by Katsumi Haseda -- Spectroscopy and Photometry -- **************************************************************** Upon the previous announcement, W. Liller (Chile) succeeded in taking a low-resolution object prism spectroscopy. The spectrum shows a strong red emission line, presumably H-alpha, suggesting that the object is indeed a nova. Liller also notes the possible presence of weak H-beta emission, suggesting that the object suffers from interstellar reddening. Kesao Takamizawa (Nagano, Japan) reports the prediscovery detection on 2001 May 12.643 UT at photographic magnitude 10.2. The object was fainter than 12.9 on April 26.737 (Takamizawa). Hitoshi Yamaoka (Kyushu University) notes that there is a faint star on DSS1 (r=17.5, b=20) close to the reported position. Erwin van Ballegoij (Aruba, Dutch Carribean) visually observed the object at 11.1 on June 21.185 UT. The following VSNET page is available: http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/Novae/nsco01.html