cf. [vsnet-chart 218] Chart of SN1999ev cf. [vsnet-chat 2411] Host galaxy of SN1999ev cf. [vsnet-alert 3700] Candidate photometric standard for SN1999ev Dear SN watchers, The nearby type-II supernova has been discovered successively! According to IAUC 7306, an English amateur Tom Boles has discovered a new star on Nov. 7.225 UT at 14.4 mag. The position of new star, measured by the discoveror, is R.A. = 12h19m48s.33, Decl. = +29o37'22".2 (2000.0), which is about 29" west and 28" north of the nucleus of the barred-spiral ring-shaped galaxy NGC 4274. This star lies on the ring. The spectroscopy has been performed by CfA group, which reveals that it is of type II after maximum. The host galaxy is a firm member of Coma I group of galaxies, whose distance is estimated as 10Mpc. The typical unobsecured SNeIa on this distance would reach 11 mag or so. This SN 1999ev is of type II after maximum, so it would not become brighter than now, but it can be observed with ease. For comparison stars, the observers can use VSNET (based on USNO) sequence (vsnet-chart 218) or LONEOS/UBV sequence (vsnet-alert 3700), or GSC.... There is, however, quite large difference and divergence between the sequences. Cross-identification for LONEOS/UBV stars is below. The observers should note which sequence was used, and make enough record for later re-estimate with (hopefully) refined sequence. V GSC-ID GSCmag USNO-A1.0 ID rmag bmag A 122121.3 +294138 11.87 1991-239 11.89 1125_06572524 10.6 11.9 B 121948.9 +294115 12.99 1991-332 13.51 1125_06567333 12.1 12.9 C 121905.1 +294847 12.99 1991-060 13.62 1125_06564800 11.8 12.1 D 121817.8 +295302 14.21 1991-036 15.69 1125_06562146 13.5 13.9 E 121744.4 +300942 14.96 -- 1200-06738324 14.1 15.0 F 121808.9 +300934 15.89 -- 1200-06939275 15.1 16.2 G 122111.2 +301454 14.01 2528-527 14.97 1200-06946926 13.1 13.9 Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi YAMAOKA, Kyushu Univ., Japan