XTE J1859+226: variable radio counterpart 電波観測の続報です。 From: "Robert M. (Bob) Hjellming" <rhjellmi@aoc.nrao.edu> Subject: The variable radio counterpart of XTE J1859+226 Collegues, Now that the radio counterpart of XTE J1859+226 has been observed by the Ryle Telescope and the VLA on three different days, it is clear that it is a variable radio source. Three days data in radio light curves and the evolving radio spectrum over two days can be viewed by accessing the following web page: http://vsnet.aoc.nrao.edu/~rhjellmi/x1859.html On Oct. 13.06 UT it was optically thick but by Oct. 14.11 UT it was evolving to an optically thin state. It is more slowly variable than the recent very fast transient, XTE J1819-254 (=SAX J1819.3-2525=V4641 Sgr) but it is not clear yet what the time scale for the event(s) will be, since that depends mainly on the optically thin decay rate. The next VLA observation will not be until Oct. 16 UT. Bob