R CrB型のV854 Cenが減光を始めた可能性が指摘されています。 Possible fading of V854 Cen Subject: [vsnet-obs 20928] V854 Cen Possible Fade The bright RCB star V854 Cen may have commenced to fade as indicated by the following observations. CENV854 990525.407 73 WPX CENV854 990527.361 74 WPX CENV854 990531.436 74 WPX CENV854 990601.358 76 WPX CENV854 990601.475 76 WPX This suggestion may a little premature but V854 Cen has been at maximum for a long time (by its own standards) and these observations co-incide with the ephemeris for onset of declines as given by Warwack Lawson : JD2447400.6 + 43.2n. The observations for June 1st yields a phase of 0.958, well within the 5 day error margin given in Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc (1992) 256, 339-348. It is likely to be cloudy here for the next several days so other RCB observers may like to pay close attention to V854 Cen over the coming days to see if a deep decline in fact eventuates. It is indeed a brave person who would predict the onset of an RCB star decline at such an early stage! Regards Peter Williams