皆様 5月19日 12:20:00 UT に BeppoSAXが、γ線バーストを発見しました。 この可視光対応天体候補を早くも The Nordic Optical Telescope チームが 発見したようです。今回は『比較的』明るかったようです。 以下に関連するメイルを添付いたします。 理化学研究所 吉田篤正 ########################################################## TITLE: GCN GRB OBSERVATION REPORT NUMBER: 78 SUBJECT: GRB980519 optical observations DATE: 98/05/20 02:46:49 GMT FROM: Jens Hjorth at NORDITA <jens@nordita.dk> The Nordic Optical Telescope GRB team (A. O. Jaunsen, J. Hjorth, M. I. Andersen, K. Kjernsmo, H. Pedersen, E. Palazzi) reports the detection at the 2.5-m NOT of an unresolved (in seeing of 1.5"-2"), variable object located within the BeppoSAX error box of GRB 980519 (GCN #75). The coordinates (+- 0.5") are RA(2000) = 23 22 21.46 Dec(2000) = +77 15 43.0 The object had an I magnitude of about 19.5 on May 19.87 UTC but is not detected in the DSS while objects of similar magnitude are. The OT had faded by about 0.6 mag in V and I on May 20.0 UTC. These observations suggest that the OT is the optical counterpart of GRB 980519. Preliminary Cousins I photometry (+-0.1 mag, not corrected for extinction) of 4 nearby reference stars yields RA(2000) Dec(2000) I A 23 22 17.74 +77 15 51.2 19.04 B 23 22 27.29 +77 15 43.5 19.49 C 23 22 28.50 +77 15 25.4 18.52 D 23 22 47.14 +77 16 23.5 15.69 On this system the OT had I=20.08 on May 20.00 UTC Finding charts, images and updates will be posted at http://vsnet.uio.no/~ajaunsen/grb980519 This note can be cited. ########################################################## Subject: BeppoSAX GRB: GB980519 updated position Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 17:35:26 +0000 (GMT) BeppoSAX GRB MAIL N. 98/16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GB980519 Refined position from the WFC are: RA(2000)=350.561 Dec(2000)=+77.255 with an error radius of 3'. This is 2' from the preliminary position. Luigi Piro BeppoSAX Mission Scientist ########################################################## Subject: BeppoSAX GRB ALERT: GB980519 Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 15:59:49 +0000 (GMT) BeppoSAX GRB MAIL N. 98/15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GB980519 GB980519 (BATSE trigger n.6764) has been detected by the GRBM of BeppoSAX and by the WFC at about 12:20:00 UT of May 19. A preliminary position by the WFC is RA(2000)=350.54 Dec(2000)=77.293 with an error radius of 5'. A BeppoSAX follow up with the NFI is being planned. Luigi Piro BeppoSAX Mission Scientist