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[vsnet 1701] (fwd) CCD Atlas On-Line update (Pedro Re')

From pedrore@mail.telepac.pt Sun Nov  1 03:27 JST 1998
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Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 18:27:58 +0000
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From: "Pedro Re'" <pedrore@mail.telepac.pt>
Subject: CCD Atlas on-line
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Hi all:

My CCD Atlas on-line was recently renovated:




CCD Atlas on-line is a compilation of more than 500 CCD images of deep-sky
objects (galaxies, nebulae and clusters). It includes well-known objects
(the whole Messier catalogue) as well as less known objects (e.g. NGC and
IC catalogues). The Atlas is intended to provide a quick-reference to a
large number of objects and can be used in supernova hunting and variable
stars identification to give only two examples. 

All images were obtained with a HiSIS22 CCD camera equipped with a
KAF-0400L chip (768x512 pixels, 9x9 microns, 6.9x4.6mm2, 14bits, with
anti-blooming). Two different telescopes were used: (i) Celestron 14 (C14)
and (ii) Meade 2045 (Mead4) housed in a roll-off-roof observatory in
Central Portugal. Both are mounted on the same fork mount (fixed pier)
equipped with a Byers retrofit (see Ccdatlas.jpg). Total integration times
varied from 1min (open and globular clusters) to 5/20min (nebulae and
galaxies). With few exceptions, images were obtained using 2x2 binning
(384x256 pixels). Software of the Mips family was used to obtain and
process the CCD images (Qmips, Mips, WinMips, Qmips32). Photoshop 3.0 was
used to process the 8bit image files.

Every entry (*_at.jpg files, 15% compression) of the CCD Atlas (black stars
on a white background) contains the following information: Logo-CCD Atlas,
Object identification (Messier, NGC and IC cataloges), Telescope used, CCD
Camera, Date (year/month/day), Orientation (North or South up), Scale (1 or
5 minutes of arc), Author identification (Email).

Clear skies
Pedro Re'- pedrore@mail.telepac.pt
Rua das Flores, 50 4Esq
Fontainhas. 2750 Cascais. Portugal
Tel. +351.1.4868406
Founding Member of APAA 
(Portuguese Amateur Astronomers Association)

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