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[vsnet 1496] 6th Southern Photometry Conference

From christie@iconz.co.nz Sat Aug  1 07:02 JST 1998
X-Sender: christie@mail.ak.iconz.co.nz
Date: Sat, 01 Aug 1998 09:55:24 +1200
To: rodcomet@voyager.co.nz, s.barnes@phys.canterbury.ac.nz,
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        rudolfn@physics.muni.cz, eenens@inaoep.mx, bas@lowell.edu
From: "Grant Christie, Auckland" <christie@iconz.co.nz>
Subject: First Notice: 6th Southern Photometry Conference (PEP 6)
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                  Sixth Southern Photometry Conference             (PEP 6)
                       June 27 - July 1,  1999
                        Auckland, New Zealand

                          FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT

This is the sixth conference in a series held every three years.  They were
formerly known as the PEP (Photo-electric Photometry) Conference Series but
today the use of CCD cameras plus the wish to add a forum for visual
variable star observers has prompted the name change.


The previous five meetings have provided a valued opportunity for both
professional and serious amateur astronomers to meet and exchange ideas
relating to all aspects of astronomical photometry.  A Scientific
Organizing Committee will be announced very shortly and it is planned for
all papers to be published in the Conference Proceedings.  Applications of
photometry to variable star research has provided an important element of
the previous meetings and it is expected to be prominent at the one in
Auckland also.


The meeting will be held at the Pakatoa Island Resort, a beautiful island
occupied only by the resort complex off the coast of Auckland, New Zealand.
Full conference facilities are provided and a range of accommodation types
are available.  The resort provides excellent recreational facilities
including a 9 hole golf course,   It is surrounded by white sandy beaches
and the fishing in the vicinity is excellent.

Access is by high speed catarmaran ferry and the trip takes about 45
minutes from downtown Auckland.  There is also a heliocopter service from
Auckland.  Auckland is a city of 1.2 million people and is New Zealand's
largest city with full international airport facilities.  There are
numerous shuttle services offering door-to-door ground transportation from
the airport to the central city where the ferry terminal is located.


Dr. Grant Christie
6th Southern Photometry Conference
Auckland Observatory
P.O. Box 24-180
Auckland, New Zealand

Phone:  +64-9-624-2269
FAX:    +64-9-625-0019

email:  christie@iconz.co.nz

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