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[vsnet 1133] CVs from SBS survey

CVs from SBS survey

   In a recent article of Astrophysics 40, 101 (1997, original in Astrofizika
40, 153, 1997), S. K. Balayan presents spectral classification of SBS
(Second Byurakan Sky Survey).  10 CVs were idetified.  Seven of them are
already well-known CVs or related systems.

   BH Lyn = SBS 0818+512
   SW UMa = SBS 0833+536
   BZ UMa = SBS 0849+580
   ER UMa = SBS 0943+521, position different, probably due to misidentification
   PG 1002+506 = SBS 1002+505
   DW UMa = SBS 1030+590
   BE UMa = SBS 1155+492

   Three remaining new CVs are

                       (2000.0)        mpg
  SBS 0755+600   075926.60 +595349.98  17.5
  SBS 1017+533   102030    +530207     17.0
  SBS 1150+599   115324.88 +593955.15  17.5

   Identifications of other objects suggest the accuracy of the coordinates
is not significantly better than 1 arcsec.

  Among them, SBS 0755+600 is pretty close to a USNO star at 075926.44
 +595351.3, r=15.5, b=16.0, which may be identical with the SBS object
caught in outburst.  Located close to SBS 1017+533 a ROSAT X-ray source,
which may be identified with a USNO star at 102026.65 +530432.6, r=15.6,
b=16.5, but the connection with the SBS object is not certain.

  Monitoring for these objects may be meaningful.

Taichi Kato

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