"VARIABLE STARS" International scientific conference, devoted to the 90-th Anniversary of the birth of V.P. Tsessevich (1907-1983) September 1-5, 1997 Astronomical Observatory, Odessa State University T.G. Shevchenko Park Ukraine, 270014, Odessa Tel./Fax:038+0482+228442 E-mail: root@meteor.odessa.ua (only for the conference, please do NOT send messages >3 KILObytes) FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT. (Please post on the wall!) The conference is organized by: the Astronomical Observatory of the Odessa State University and the Odessa Astronomical Society with support from the International Astronomical Society (Moscow), the Ukrainian Astronomical Association, the International Science Foundation, the Odessa regional government, the Odessa city government Vladimir Platonovich TSESSEVICH will remain in the memory of his pupils and colleagues as a tireless researcher of variable stars, having made outstanding contributions to the study of binary, pulsating and eruptive stars. He authored 653 scientific works, including 20 monographs. The popular scientific books and lectures of V.P. Tsessevich have motivated many young people in astronomy and remain a valuable contribution to astronomical education and human culture. The book "What and how to observe on the sky", first appeared half century ago, has been published in six editions and some hundreds of thousands of copies. Having published his first scientific work in 1922, V.P. Tsessevich investigated variable stars for more than half a century. He observed and photometrically classified many hundreds of variable stars. At the end of 1944 he went to Odessa, where has soon headed the Astronomical Observatory of the University, and then the Astronomy chair. For 4 years he was also the director of the Ukrainian Main Astronomical Observatory in Golosiiv near Kiev. Under his management the OSU Astronomical Observatory was transformed into a large institution with a wide variety of astronomical directions. There are 2 observational stations near Odessa and 3 in other republics of the former Soviet Union (now Independent States). The collection of the Sky Patrol plates contains ~100,000 negatives making this collection the third largest in the world after Harvard and Sonneberg. Being a famous scientist, excellent teacher, and brilliant popularizer of science, V.P. Tsessevich was stranger to superciliousness and was equally close to colleagues as he was to beginners and amateurs. He was a cheerful, fascinating, and witty man, who presented others with prominent ideas. He was a Professor in the best meaning of this word. Today V.P. Tsessevich lives in the hearts of the people who knew him personally and through his work. Scientific topic of the conference: The theoretical modeling and observational results on variable stars of various types with special attention to: Close binary systems, Pulsating stars, Stellar cataclysms, Variable Gamma, X-ray and radio sources, Solar and stellar activity, and International cooperation in variable star research. Publications: "Odessa Astronomical Publications", 1997, vol. 10. Volume: 4 journal pages for the reviews and 2 for the original reports. Accommodation: Equivalent of 20-90 USD per night. Registration fee: Equivalent of 150 USD. Deadline for submission of the applications is April 16, 1997 Deadline for confirmation of arrival is August 26, 1997 Deadline for submission of materials for the publication is September 3, 1997 (please do NOT send via e-mail!) Scientific Organizing Committee: V.G.Karetnikov - Director of the Astronomical Observatory of OSU, Vice-president of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association - chairman; I.L.Andronov - Professor of Department of Astronomy of OSU - executive chairman; N.G.Bochkarev - Chairman of the International Astronomical Society (Moscow); A.A.Boyarchuk - Chairman of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Director of the Inst. for Astronomy RAS; R.E.Gershberg - Head of the Department of stellar astrophysics of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory; Yu.N.Gnedin - Vice-director of the Main Astronomical Observatory of RAS M.I.Ryabov - Chairman of the Odessa Astronomical Society; N.N.Samus - Main editor of the "General Catalogue of Variable Stars" and journal "Variable Stars"; A.M.Cherepashchuk - Director of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute; Ya.S.Yatskiv - President of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association, Director of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences. - - - - - - - - - REGISTRATION CARD of the participant of the International scientific conference "Variable Stars" devoted to the 90-th Anniversary of the birth of V.P.Tsessevich (1907-1983) September 1-5, 1996 First name, middle initial, last name Complete address Telephone Fax E-mail Title of the report Oral/Poster Date of arrival Date of departure Signature