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[vsnet 16] PG0943+521 and cousins

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DN-like Outburst Period(days)  4.4+-0.1       3.8+-0.1         4.4+-0.2

DN-like Outburst Ampl.(mag)    2.2            2.2              1.8

SuperOutburst Period           42.95+-0.06    18.87+-1.70      44.5+-0.5
(Supercycle) (days)
Recent Ephemerides of                         9223.1+18.87*E- 
Supercycle (HJD 244+)          9269.6+42.95*E 0.0017*E*E       9714.75+44.5*E
(V-mag for T0)                 13.25          14.30            11.80

SuperOutburst Duration(days)   14.0           5.7              15.0

SuperOutburst Ampl.(mag)       3.0            2.7              2.7

E-folding Time of Super-	
Outburst Decline(days)         23.0+-0.9      11.0+-0.3        16.3+-0.8

Superhump Period(days)         0.066+-0.002   ???              0.067+-0.001			

Superhump Ampl.(mag)           0.15           ???              0.20

"RZ LMi, PG0943+521 and V1159 Orionis: Cataclysmic Variables with
   Similar and Unusual Periodic Outburst Behavior," Robertson, J.W.,
   Honeycutt, R.K. and Turner, G.W., submitted to PASP

"The Unusual Long-Term Repetitive Lightcurve of RZ Leonis Minoris,"
   Robertson, J.W., Honeycutt, R.K., and Turner, G.W. 1994, in 
   Interacting Binary Stars, ed. A.W. Shafter, (San Francisco, ASP), 298
%	Jeff W. Robertson
%	bigjay@enif.astro.indiana.edu	                   
%	R. Kent Honeycutt
%	honey@enif.astro.indiana.edu	                   
%	Indiana University Astronomy RoboScope
%	http://www.astro.indiana.edu/apt
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