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[vsnet-symbio 184] RS Oph faint

RS Oph faint

  RS Oph is reported to be faint (fainter than its usual quiescence).

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20020125.230   117  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20020126.476   117  (Robert J. Modic)
  20020129.210  <108  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20020130.250   117  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20020203.478   120  (Robert J. Modic)
  20020214.212   122  (Georg Comello)
  20020214.226   120  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20020214.474   120  (Robert J. Modic)

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