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[vsnet-symbio 162] (fwd) Symbiotic stars conference

(fwd) Symbiotic stars conference

Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 11:27:35 +0100 (BST)
From: Symbiotics Conference <symbio@ing.iac.es>
Subject: Symbiotic stars conference

             "Symbiotic stars probing stellar evolution"

                          27-31 May 2002

                   La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the conference "Symbiotic stars probing
stellar evolution", organized by the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
(ING), to be held on the island of La Palma on May 27-31, 2002.

As 6 years will have passed since the last international workshop
dedicated to the subject, the conference is aimed at reviewing the
state-of-the-art in the field of symbiotic stars, as well as to
emphasize, for the first time in a comprehensive way, the links to
other branches of astrophysics, such as red giants, planetary nebulae,
novae, supersoft X-ray sources and supernovae.

To achieve these goals, invited review talks given by leading
scientists in all the fields above are planned, as well as a number of
contributed talks and posters presenting the recent results on the
relevant fields. A preliminary list of invited speakers is:

B. Balick (USA), M.F. Bode (UK), R.L.M. Corradi (UK), I. Iben (USA),
A. Jorissen (Belgium), M. Livio (USA), J. Mikolajewska (Poland),
M. Morris (USA), U. Munari (Italy), H. Nussbaumer (Switzerland),
B. Paczynski (USA), H.M. Schmid (Germany), H.E. Schwarz (Chile),
E.M. Sion (USA), N. Soker (Israel), P.A. Whitelock (South Africa).

At this time, you can already register on our web page  


where you will find more information about the conference and the
beautiful environment where it will be held.

The deadline for registration and for application for (very limited)
financial assistance support is December 31, 2001.  The list of
invited speakers, contributed talks etc. will be finalized following
this deadline. Note that the total number of participants will be
limited to 100, so that early registrations will have the precedence
over the latest ones.

This email has been widely distributed, but please make sure your 
colleagues are aware of this conference.

With best regards,

     Romano Corradi & Joanna Mikolajewska (Co-chairs, SOC)

... on behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee:
M. Bode, R. Corradi, A. Jorissen, M. Livio, J. Mikolajewska,
U. Munari, H. Nussbaumer, H.M. Schmid, E. Sion, and P. Whitelock

... and the Local Organising Committee: 
R. Miles, R. Corradi, J. Mendez, S. Prins, P. Sorensen, N. Walton, the

Contact email: symbio@ing.iac.es

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