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[vsnet-symbio 32] On DT Ser

On DT Ser

Re: Subject: [vsnet-obs 28836] Symbiotic Stars RT Ser, DT Ser and V2416 Sgr: CCDV Estimates (vsnrep112)

> **Note regarding indentification of DT Ser:  According to B.Skiff, DT Ser =
> GSC 5096-1722= IRAS 17592-0126. This is the star I have observed. However, I
> have noted in the abstract for a paper that appeared in A+AS Vol.124,
> 7/1997, pgs.57-60 that the author(s) describe DT Ser as MagV= 15.4 and  "5
> arc-seconds from a V= 12.8, G-type companion". How is this discrepancy
> explained ?

    From my past experience, the center of [OIII] emssion line is slightly
off from the 12.8 mag star.  The (symbiotic?) nebula seems to be excited
by a companion rather than the bright star.  However, I am not sure whether
the original variable star designation DT Ser was given for the brighter
star or not.

Taichi Kato

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