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[vsnet-survey 41] ROSAT PSPC updated

The ROSAT PSPC catalogue has been updated, with objects in it beginning
2RXP instead of 1RXP from now on.  In fact, the old ROSAT PSPC is
superseded by this one!

The 1RXP catalogue lives in subdirectory ../IX/11/.. at
ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cats , where it is now marked as being
obsolete. This is not just a "CDS decision" : the ROSAT teams' readme me
file also states that the new catalogue supersedes the old.

The new catalogue lives in subdirectory ../IX/30/.. , you will need the
short explanatory readme file.  The catalogue is about 36 Mb big, but
can be downloaded as a 9 Mb gzip. There is a short version, but I see no
point in that.

Extensions to the new catalogue, and reformatting of the data, have
meant that the Guide 7 TDF file for the previous version contained in
VSNET-SURVEY 36 will not work with this edition.

Consequently a new TDF file is appended, containing selected data from
the new catalogue.

Of the extensions, use has been made of the new multiplicity flag for
proximite objects, and the new variability flag.

The RASS-PSPC does not attempt to merge sources into one
identification.  Thus several objects can have the same co-ord number. 
They may be line of sight alignments, they may be variability effects as
the sources are multi-epoch.

Consequently, use of MORE-INFO [or of catalogue data directly for the
more adventurous] lists the variability flag and date of observation:
for same position objects marked as possibly variable the differing
hardness ratios given for different dates can be used to assess the
extent of the variability.  Try EG UMa as an appropriate eg...

In the following TDF, the ! symbols at beginning and end of each line
are in case of email transferal wordwrap.  All lines end and start with
a ! , edit if not so.  These ! characters _must_ be removed for the TDF
to work.  Cut and paste the TDF to a file, remove the ! symbols, save it
to your Guide 7 home directory, and ensure the first line of the TDF
contains the _full_ path to your ROSAT PSPC catalogue if you do not
place it in the Guide 7 home directory.

Symbols are grey/gray kites/diamonds


!file rosatpsc.dat!
!title RASS-PSPC!
!RA H 174  8!
!units0 -2!
!de d 183  8!
!#text 29  15!
!~c 29  15 RASS PSC\n!
!~b 29  15 2RXP J%s!
!~b 22   1  %s!
!~b 28   1 \n\n!
!~b 45   3 Position Error %s arcsecs\n\n!
!~r 85 0 N Negative variability :!
!~r 85 0 F Too Few Observations to test for variability :!
!~r 85 0 P Possible variability :!
!~r136   6   obs started  %s ; ended!
!~r143   6   %s\n\n!
!~b307   5 Hardness Ratio1 = %s!
!~r313   5  error = %s!
!~b318   5 \nHardness Ratio2 = %s!
!~r324   5  error = %s!
!~b263 0 A \nPHA is 0.1-0.4 keV!
!~b263 0 B \nPHA is 0.5-2.0 keV!
!~b263 0 C \nPHA is 0.5-0.9 keV!
!~b263 0 D \nPHA is 0.9-2.0 keV!
!~b263 0 b \nPHA is broad!
!~b263 0   \nPHA is broad!
!~c 31   1 \n!
!~r  1  21    (PHA = Pulse Height Amplitude detection range)\n!
!~r  1  21 \n\nThe hardness ratios are defined by:\n\n!
!~r  1  21 hr1 = ( B - A ) / ( B + A )  , where\n!
!~r  1  21 A = countrate in PHA range 0.1-0.4 keV\n!
!~r  1  21 B = countrate in PHA range 0.5-2.0 keV\n\n!
!~r  1  21 hr2 = ( D - C ) / ( D + C )  , where\n!
!~r  1  21 C = countrate in PHA range 0.5-0.9 keV\n!
!~r  1  21 D = countrate in PHA range 0.9-2.0 keV\n\n!
!epoch 2000!
!sort 1!
!type sc14;m0,-30;l30,0;l0,30;l-30,0;l0,-30;!
!field 0 50!
!mag lim 0!
!shown 5!


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