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[vsnet-survey 21] Re: Coords and IDs for ASAS variables

While I agree with almost everything both Bohdan
and Brian have said, I'd like to step in with some
additional comments.
  (a) I wholeheartedly agree with Bohdan that the current
      system does not work for the modern surveys.  We are
      turning out more variables every year than are contained
      in GCVS 4th edition.  Something has to change.
  (b) The current GCVS needs to be checked thoroughly, not
      only to find a USNO-A star near the catalogued position,
      but confirmation that the star is variable and the
      right type.  I know some of this is already being done,
      but I think it needs high priority.  We have these cases
      of GM Sgr, whether CI Aql = Nova Aql 2000, etc. that could
      be resolved conclusively so there is no similar confusion
      in the future.
  (c) Contrary to Bohdan's opinion, I think it *is* obligatory
      for variable star surveys to do proper cross-checking
      of their discoveries.  Granted, it takes time, but it is
      part of the discovery process.  If you don't have the
      manpower to do everything, then you have to either find
      some collaborators or else publish more slowly.  Sorry.
  (d) There is no excuse for a modern survey to publish coordinates
      to the nearest 0.1 arcmin.
  (e) I like Brian's concept of a Variable Star Center (VSC),
      and the requirement of inputting all discoveries in a
      common format to lessen the workload.  However, the
      GCVS group has been doing this work for years, and I'd
      hope that some marriage between new effort and old
      can occur.

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