GO Com: superoutburst continues! Dear Colleagues, The VSNET Collaboration has received new data from Nakajima-san and Tom Krajci. The object is still on its plateau stage, and the "rebrightening" phenomenon is confirmed to be a transient one, rather than triggering a rapid decline. The superoutburst now has a duration of 9 d since the peak magnitude. The object is about 1 mag fainter than its outburst peak. The superhumps are still prominently seen, with somewhat unusual profiles and a slightly increased amplitude. The most striking feature is that the decrease of the superhump period (again!). The period change is never monotonous (linear or with a single quadratic term) in GO Com! The combination of the all above results seems to be understood as the effect of a beat phenomenon, though this needs to be examined with the full analysis. Please keep continuous observing, even if the object may start fading. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team
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