NSV 10934 observations from Tom Richards Dear Colleagues, We have received the following report and data from Tom Richards. We will post the updated result after reducing the newly reported data. Rehards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team === At last, the results for NSV10934 for Jan 10th. A 6h47m run. Base mag stable at ~12.8. 4 superhumps of 0.2 mag with shoulders on declining side. Some evidence of QPOs at 2-3 min frequency. Precision error 0.008 mag (measured 3 ways). The actual mag is relative to (adjusted) USNO R mags for the four comp stars, so is unlikely to be better than 0.1 mag. Regards Tom === At last, the data for Sunday Jan 12th. Imaging started on decline from a superhump, then recorded three more. Superhumps still around 0.1 mag, but one showed 0.2 mag. The previously observed shoulder in the superhump decline has now become a secondary peak. Evidence for QPOs is now dubious as noise is higher than previous nights. Base magnitude now down to 12.95 (0.15 mag down from previous night). Tom Richards