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[vsnet-superoutburst 1606] KV Dra observations (Nyrola team)

KV Dra observations (Nyrola team)

Dear Colleagues,

    We have received the following report.  The data are analyzed by
Uemura-san.  The present evolution of KV Dra superhumps may somehow
resembles that of V1028 Cyg? (see Baba et al. (2000), PASJ 52, 429).


Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 03:20:10 +0300 (EEST)
From: Arto Oksanen <oksanen@nyrola.jklsirius.fi>
Subject: KV Dra Sep 6th run at Nyrola

Dear Sirs,

Here is third night of KV Dra data from Nyrola. The star is even dimmer
and the (super?)humps are small (0.1 mag).

Unfiltered 60s exposures with 0.40 m SCT + ST8E CCD.
Observation timespan Sep 6 20:50 - 23:33 UT. Good weather
until clouds at the end.

The reference star (C) is the V=13.185 comp star from AAVSO f-scale chart.


Observers: M. Aho, A. Oksanen and P. Tikkanen

best regards,

Arto Oksanen, Nyrola Observatory, FINLAND
email: oksanen@nyrola.jklsirius.fi
tel:   +358-40-5659438

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