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[vsnet-superoutburst 1156] CI UMa: superhumps update

CI UMa: superhumps update

Dear Colleagues,

    The analysis of the Kyoto Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 data has yielded a superhump
period of 0.0628 d, which is slightly longer than (but consistent with)
Nogami and Kato (1997) PASJ 49, 109.  The amplitude of superhumps has
decreased during this interval.  More observations are encouraged to
significantly detect the period change, and to determine the superhump
period more exactly.  We would encourage observers of 1RXSJ232953.9+062814
to switch to CI UMa, after 1RXSJ232953.9+062814 runs.

Taichi Kato
VSNET Collaboration team

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