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[vsnet-superoutburst 721] Re: [vsnet-alert 6361] WZ Sge: slowly re-brightening

Dear Colleagues,
A quick look to my laptop's monitor, right now gives me the impression that the star is
around the same magnitude than yesterday.

More will follows once my data will be all collected and reduced.


I will report better

Makoto Uemura wrote:
> WZ Sge: slowly re-brightening
>     The Kyoto observation last night (Ishioka et al.) shows the
> object becomes 0.05mag brighter than August 19, which indicates that the
> the rate of re-brightening is quite gradual.  In the last night
> light curve, we can see a hump with an amplitude of about 0.35mag.
>     Follow-up observations are encouraged!
> Regards,
> Makoto Uemura
> VSNET Collaboration team

* Gianluca Masi                           "Two things fill the soul   *
* Via Madonna de Loco, 47               with awe and reverence [...]: *
* 03023 Ceccano (FR)                     the starry sky above me and  *
* ITALY                                    the moral law within me"   *
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* web:  http://vsnet.eurolink.it/comets/                  I. Kant       *
* Minor Planet Center Obs. Code: 470 - Ceccano                        *
* Center for Backyard Astrophysics - Italy                            *
* VSNET Collaboration Team member                                     *
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