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[vsnet-superoutburst 698] Re: WZ Sge: rapid fading and hump structure

Re: WZ Sge: rapid fading and hump structure

Dear Colleagues,

>   1) During the early decline stage, the humps have became smaller in
>      amplitude and complex
>   2) Later on, early half of the Kyoto data shows little evidence of
>      eclipses!  Humps have become even less apparent, and the light curve
>      looks rather flat, except for small-scale fluctuations.

    Further analysis of this combined data set has shown very shallow
fading (<0.02 mag in average) at orbital phase 0.1.  There is no hint of
sharp eclipses seen on Aug. 16.  The light source responsible for the
Aug. 16 eclipse should have suddenly faded!  The phase 0.4 hump seen in
Puetz's data has not emerged yet.  This structure (possible late superhumps)
should have emerged suddenly.

    There is no indication of the slowing of the fading rate until the
Pietz's last run.

Taichi Kato
VSNET Collaboration team

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