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[vsnet-standstill 133] AH Her: termination of standstill?

AH Her: termination of standstill?

  [Discrepancy again??]

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20030430.882   123  (Michel Verdenet)
  20030430.894   125  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20030501.880   123  (Michel Verdenet)
  20030501.903   125  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20030502.915   121  (Michel Verdenet)
  20030503.313   127  (Mike Simonsen)
  20030503.889   124  (Georg Comello)
  20030503.908   126  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20030503.994   125  (Carlo Gualdoni)
  20030504.232   124  (Dan Taylor)
  20030504.259   126  (Mike Simonsen)
  20030504.890   122  (Michel Verdenet)
  20030504.967   126  (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20030505.967   127  (Gary Poyner)
  20030505.978   125  (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20030506.039   129  (Kovacs Istvan)
  20030506.244   125  (Dan Taylor)
  20030506.878   122  (Michel Verdenet)
  20030506.906   126  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20030506.990   125  (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20030507.021   124  (Georg Comello)
  20030507.887   125  (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20030507.910   125  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20030508.985   125  (Carlo Gualdoni)
  20030509.028   125  (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20030510.008   125  (Carlo Gualdoni)
  20030511.960   136  (Gary Poyner)
  20030512.895   126  (Jose Ripero)

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