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[vsnet-sequence 228] Sequence for R Sagittae.

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

***** Sequence for the RV Tauri Type Variable Star R Sagittae *****

Compiled by Bjorn H. Granslo (version 2003 June 15)

2009+16    R Sge  [R.A. = 20h14m03s.7, Decl. = +16o43'35" (2000.0)]

R Sagittae = HD 192388. "General Catalogue of Variable Stars" has
mag. 8.0 - 10.4 V, type RVB, mean period 70.77d and spectrum G0Ib-G8Ib.
AAVSO observations since 1983 indicate an extreme visual range from
mag. 8.6 to 10.6. Mean magnitude and colour as derived from the Tycho-2
catalogue (Hog et al. 2000) are V = 9.20 and B-V = +1.00, respectively.

*** 1. Sequence Stars ***

This list contains stars with B-V from 0.0 to 0.8 and should serve as a
suitable set of comparisons around R Sagittae.

Id  R.A. (2000.0) Decl.  Star Name     V-mag  sV   B-V  sB-V  Source
    h  m   s    o  '  "
A  20 15 45.7 +15 19 02  HD 192715      6.86 0.02  0.26 0.01  GCPD
B  20 12 18.4 +16 13 02  HD 192045      7.30 0.01  0.81 0.02  See note
C  20 12 50.9 +16 05 44  HD 192145      7.75 0.01  0.52 0.03  See note
D  20 14 00.4 +16 51 29  HD 192387      8.16 0.02  0.13 0.03  Tycho-2
E  20 09 34.3 +18 08 19  HD 191475      8.40 0.02  0.32 0.03  Tycho-2
F  20 11 31.6 +17 09 07  HD 191857      8.85 0.03 -0.01 0.03  Tycho-2
G  20 14 53.3 +16 46 24  HD 355199      9.09 0.02  0.43 0.04  See note
H  20 14 24.3 +16 44 48  HD 355202      9.41 0.02  0.76 0.05  See note
K  20 13 58.3 +16 59 05  HD 355182      9.98 0.03  0.08 0.06  See note
L  20 14 15.4 +16 52 09  HD 355185     10.46 0.03  0.41 0.11  See note
M  20 13 32.1 +17 01 33  HD 355039     10.96 0.03  0.67 0.14  See note
N  20 13 41.6 +16 55 21  HD 355040     11.14 0.04  0.54 0.16  See note

Stars A-C: V magnitudes and/or B-V colours are mean values derived
  from data obtained at GCPD, The Lausanne Photometric Database.
Stars B-M: V magnitudes and/or B-V colours are derived from Tycho-2 BT
  and VT photometry (Hog et al. 2000) by using the correction procedure
  of Bessell (2000).
Star B: V is from GCPD uvby photometry (Olsen 1993), B-V from Tycho-2.
Star C: V is from GCPD uvby photometry (mean of three sources),
  B-V is from Tycho-2.
Star G-N: V is from ASAS-3, B-V is from Tycho-2.
Star M: VM = 11.02 (+/- 0.03) from M2000 (Rapaport et al. 2001);
  V = 10.74 (+/- 0.12) from Tycho-2.
Star N: VM = 11.22 (+/- 0.03) from M2000; V = 10.98 (+/- 0.15) from

*** 2. Other Reference Stars ***

These stars - located within 30' of R Sge - may be used as colour
calibrators and/or alternative comparison stars.

Id  R.A. (2000.0) Decl.  Star Name     V-mag  sV   B-V  sB-V  Source
    h  m   s    o  '  "
R  20 13 40.8 +16 33 44  HD 355058      8.89 0.02  0.88 0.02  GCPD
S  20 12 15.4 +16 32 28  HD 355054      9.07 0.02  0.28 0.04  See note
T  20 13 54.7 +16 55 30  HD 355183      9.42 0.02  0.61 0.05  See note
U  20 12 37.3 +16 42 17  HD 355047      9.58 0.02  1.48 0.11  See note
W  20 14 21.9 +16 36 51  HD 355204     10.18 0.02  1.43 0.16  See note

Star R: GCPD measurements are from Preston et al. (1963).
Stars S-W: See notes for stars B-M and G-N under sequence stars.

The VizieR Service at Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg,
  The Lausanne General Catalogue of Photometric Data (GCPD) and The All
  Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) web site have been used in preparing this

Bessell M.: 2000, "The Hipparcos and Tycho Photometric System
  Passbands", Publ. Ast. Soc. Pacific, 112, 961.
Cannon A. J., Pickering E. C.: 1918-1924, "Henry Draper Catalogue
  and Extension", Harv. Ann. 91-100. [HD]
Hog E. et al.: 2000, "The Tycho-2 Catalogue of the 2.5 Million
  Brightest Stars", Astron. Astrophys. 355, L27. [Tycho-2, TYC]
Kholopov P. N. et al.: 1985, "General Catalogue of Variable Stars,
  4th Edition", Nauka, Moscow. The most updated version of GCVS is at
  http://www.sai.msu.su/groups/cluster/gcvs/gcvs/ . [GCVS]
Mermilliod J.-C., Hauck B., Mermilliod M.: "The General Catalogue of
  Photometric Data", University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
  URL: http://obswww.unige.ch/gcpd/gcpd.html . [GCPD]
Olsen E. H.: 1993, "Stromgren Four-Colour uvby Photometry of G5-Type
  Hd-Stars Brighter than mv=8.6", Astron. Astroph. Suppl. Ser. 102, 89.
Pojmansky G.: "The All Sky Automated Survey". V magnitudes derived
  from measurements with the ASAS-3 system.
  URL: http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~gp/asas/asas.html . [ASAS-3]
Preston G. W. et al.: 1963, "A Spectroscopic and Photoelectric Survey
  of the RV Tauri Stars", Astrophys. Journ., 137, 401.
Rapaport M. et al.: 2001, "M2000: An Astrometric Catalog in the
  Bordeaux Carte du Ciel Zone +11 degrees < Dec. < +18 degrees",
  Astron. Astrophys., 376, 325. [M2000]

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