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[vsnet-sequence 226] Sequence for the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi.

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

***** Sequence for the Recurrent Nova RS Ophicuhi *****

Compiled by Bjorn H. Granslo (version 2003 May 31)

1744-06   RS Oph    [R.A. = 17h50m13s.2, Decl. = -06o42'28" (2000.0)]

GCVS (Kholopov et al. 1985) has mag. 4.3 - 12.5 V, type NR and spectrum
OB+M2ep. RS Oph has shown major outbursts in 1898, 1933, 1958, 1967 and
1985, and possibly also in 1945 (Oppenheimer and Mattei 1993, Malatesta

*** 1. Sequence Stars ***

This list contains stars with B-V from 0.0 to 1.0 and should serve as
a suitable set of comparison stars for RS Ophiuchi.

Id  R.A. (2000.0) Decl.  Star Name     V-mag  sV   B-V  sB-V  Source
    h  m   s    o  '  "
A  18 00 38.7 +02 55 54  67 Oph         3.97 0.01  0.02 0.02  GCPD
B  18 00 29.0 -03 41 25  Zeta Ser       4.62 0.01  0.38 0.01  GCPD
C  17 30 23.8 -01 03 46  HR 6516        5.31 0.01  0.72 0.01  GCPD
D  17 33 29.9 -05 44 41  HR 6534        5.62 0.01  0.18 0.01  GCPD
E  17 43 47.0 -07 04 47  HR 6601        6.31 0.02  0.37 0.01  GCPD
F  17 52 37.1 -05 15 43  HD 162713      6.84 0.02  1.01 0.02  See note
G  17 59 04.7 -05 02 54  HD 163976      7.41 0.01  0.57 0.01  GCPD
H  17 44 34.7 -07 24 30  HD 161203      8.02 0.01  0.69 0.03  See note
K  17 51 42.4 -06 15 36  HD 162506      8.38 0.03  0.36 0.04  Tycho2
L  17 47 37.6 -06 33 57  HD 161753      9.12 0.03  0.64 0.04  Tycho2
M  17 51 00.7 -06 53 42  HD 162369      9.56 0.04  0.60 0.05  Tycho2
N  17 51 24.5 -06 53 05  HD 162449      9.86 0.02  0.48 0.02  Henden
P  17 48 42.1 -06 41 12  BD -06 4665   10.45 0.03  0.80 0.11  See note
R  17 49 34.6 -06 55 39  BD -06 4659   10.88 0.03  0.52 0.15  See note
S  17 49 46.8 -06 44 51  TYC 5094-0061 11.49 0.01  0.71 0.01  Henden
T  17 50 32.0 -06 39 07  GSC 5094-0310 12.12 0.01  0.84 0.01  Henden
U  17 50 02.8 -06 50 13  GSC 5094-0335 12.90 0.02  0.86 0.01  Henden
W  17 49 51.7 -06 38 57  GSC 5094-0064 13.02 0.01  0.91 0.01  Henden
X  17 50 06.2 -06 43 50  GSC 5094-0650 13.26 0.01  1.02 0.01  Henden

Stars A-E, G and H: V magnitudes and B-V colours are mean values
  derived from data at GCPD, The Lausanne Photometric Database.
Star A: Multiple, brightest components of mag. 4.0 and 8.1, sep. 54".5
  (Worley and Douglass 1997).
Star C: Binary (Struve 2173), mag. 6.0 and 6.2, a = 0".98, P = 46.4a
  (Worley and Douglass 1997).
Stars F, H-M, P and R: V magnitudes and/or B-V colours are derived
  from Tycho-2 BT and VT photometry (Hog et al. 2000) by using the
  correction procedure of Bessell (2000).
Star F: V and B-V is mean of Kornilov et al. (1991) and Tycho2.
Star H: V is derived from GCPD, B-V is derived from Tycho2.
Star L: Double star (RST 4576), mag. 9.0 and 12.3, sep. 2".6
  (Worley and Douglass 1997).
Star N: Photometry is from a single night, estimated errors are given.
Star P-R: V is from ASAS3, B-V is derived from Tycho2.
Star S-X: Photometry is based on three nights of data.
Star S: Rc = 11.04 (+/- 0.01) from Henden photometry; V = 11.47
  (+/- 0.03) from CCD photometry on five nights by the compiler.
Star T: Rc = 11.58 (+/- 0.02) from Henden photometry.
Star U: Rc = 12.34 (+/- 0.02) from Henden photometry.
Star W: Rc = 12.43 (+/- 0.01) from Henden photometry.
Star X: Rc = 12.60 (+/- 0.02) from Henden photometry.

*** 2. Other Reference Stars ***

These quite red stars (B-V between 1.2 and 1.7) are apparently
constant in brightness and may be used as colour calibrators.

Id.  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Star Name     V-mag  sV   B-V  sB-V  Source
    h  m   s    o  '  "
J  17 50 12.7 -06 47 25  HD 162215      9.31 0.01  1.23 0.01  Henden
Q  17 50 24.6 -06 50 06  TYC 5094-0725 11.12 0.01  1.68 0.01  Henden
Y  17 50 08.4 -06 49 04  GSC 5094-0237 12.62 0.01  1.58 0.01  Henden
Z  17 50 44.0 -06 33 38  GSC 5094-0434 13.19 0.01  1.54 0.01  Henden

Stars J, Q, Y and Z: Photometry is based on three nights of data.
Star J: Rc = 8.60 (+/- 0.01) from Henden photometry. 4'.9 S of RS Oph.
Star Q: Rc = 10.19 (+/- 0.01) from Henden photometry.
Star Y: Rc = 11.71 (+/- 0.01) from Henden photometry.
Star Z: Rc = 12.27 (+/- 0.01) from Henden photometry.

The VizieR Service at Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg,
  The Lausanne General Catalogue of Photometric Data (GCPD), The All
  Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) web site have been extensively used in
  preparing this sequence. I would also like to thank Dr. A. Henden,
  USNO, Flagstaff, AZ, USA for providing accurate photometry for the
  fainter stars around RS Ophicuhi.

Bessell M.: 2000, "The Hipparcos and Tycho Photometric System
  Passbands", Publ. Ast. Soc. Pacific, 112, 961.
Henden A.: 2003, CCD photometry files for the field of RS Oph.
  URLs: ftp://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/sequence/rsoph.dat ,
  ftp://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/sequence/rsopha.dat ,
  ftp://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/sequence/rsophb.dat .
Hog E. et al.: 2000, "The Tycho-2 Catalogue of the 2.5 Million
  Brightest Stars", Astron. Astrophys. 355, L27. [Tycho2]
Kholopov P. N. et al.: 1985, "General Catalogue of Variable Stars,
  4th Edition", Nauka, Moscow. [GCVS]
Kornilov V. G. et al.: 1991, "The WBVR Photometric Catalog",
  Tr. Gos. Astron. Inst. Shternberga, Tom 63.
Malatesta K.: 2000, "AAVSO: RS Oph, May 2000 Variable Star of the
  Month". URL: http://www.aavso.org/vstar/vsotm/0500.stm .
Mermilliod J.-C., Hauck B., Mermilliod M.: "The General Catalogue
  of Photometric Data", University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
  URL: http://obswww.unige.ch/gcpd/gcpd.html . [GCPD]
Oppenheimer B. D., and Mattei J. A.: 1993, "Analysis of Long-Term AAVSO
  Observations of RS Ophiuchi", Journ. AAVSO, 22, 105.
Pojmansky G.: "The All Sky Automated Survey". V magnitudes
  derived from measurements with the ASAS-3 system [ASAS3].
  URL: http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~gp/asas/asas.html .
Worley C. E., and Douglass, G. G.: 1997, "The Washington Visual Double
  Star Catalog, 1996.0", Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 125, 523.

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