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[vsnet-sequence 189] Re: SN 2002hc field

     Here are some of the stars in the BV sequence for DY Pup, which is in
the field of NGC 2559.  I grabbed these from my large file of field-star
photometry (ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/bas/starcats/loneos.phot).
     I show Arne's V and B-V along with a predicted R magnitude (rounded to
0.1-mag. prcision).  Next come photo-blue and photo-red magnitudes from three
surveys, plus the UCAC1 "orange" magnitudes.  The B1.0 data are specifically
the second-epoch 'B2' and 'R2' values.

     For UCAC, the offset from V is a very typical -0.3 mag., so to get 
rough V magnitudes, _add_ 0.3 to the UCAC value.  This might be your best bet
in this field.  For the fainter stars, it looks to me as though the data from
the Schmidt plate-scans are simply noisy, probably mainly due to crowding,
but that the red magnitudes from all the surveys are roughly correct in 


star        RA  (2000)  Dec      V    B-V     R    mb    mr    mb    mr    mo     mb      mr
DY_PUP    8 13 53.3 -26 30 53  13.57  0.46  13.3  14.0  13.2  13.9  13.2  13.17
DY_PUP    8 13 46.7 -26 33 50  13.77  1.04  13.2  14.6  12.9  14.5  13.0  13.34
DY_PUP    8 13 50.7 -26 35 24  14.10  0.52  13.8  14.8  13.8  14.6  13.6  13.85
DY_PUP    8 14 08.8 -26 37 02  14.50  0.68  14.1  14.9  13.5  14.9  13.8  14.30  15.14  14.03
DY_PUP    8 13 40.1 -26 33 47  16.01  0.63  15.6  16.8  16.0  16.7  15.6         16.38  15.16
DY_PUP    8 13 53.5 -26 33 29  16.25  0.54  15.9  15.9  15.4  16.0  15.4         16.16  15.66
DY_PUP    8 14 13.0 -26 27 55  16.53  0.92  16.0  17.1  16.0  17.3  15.9         17.34  16.06
DY_PUP    8 14 08.4 -26 38 06  16.85  0.41  16.6  17.2  16.5  17.3  16.6         17.37  16.64

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