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[vsnet-sequence 136] Re: [vsnet-chat 5140] Curious observations

Re: [vsnet-chat 5140] Curious observations

> It is probably worth reiterating that the BAA VSS avoids many of these
> problems by insisting that the observer report the _full_ estimate with
> their observations.  This way, a cross check is automatically undertaken
> by the data processing software and the observer can be contacted
> immediately should any queries arise.
> I'm sure that if more organisations adopted this approach there would be
> fewer errors in the various databases and therefore they would be of
> higher quality and of even more use to those undertaking analysis.

    This procedure (i.e. recording full estimates) may have avoided a few
(not many) of these problems.  This method may provide a some way to avoid
differences of comaprison star magnitudes, some confusions, and will be
useful to further improve the quality of "best" observations.  However,
this method would not significantly improve incorrect observations, 
psycologically affected observation, etc. unless the source of incorrectness
is clarified.  I wonder whether the introduction of this approach has led
to any improvements to the final data in the relatively well-known examples
of the quiescent misidentification of RX And, a stepwise fade in V705 Cas,
both of which came from BAA VSS charts (if I remember correctly the
explanations made in the past).

Taichi Kato

PS. The former organizaion of the VSOLJ took the similar procedure, but
has abondoned recored full estimates already a decade ago.  The reason was
partly because these recorded estimates were not effectively used, and
partly because a number of observers changed the observation method
("direct estimate method", i.e. recording magnitudes of the variable
stars after directly comparing with chart magnitudes, has been increasing
becoming fashionable -- I wonder whether there is a similar tendency
among worldwide observers).

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