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[vsnet-sequence 127] Sequence for V838 Mon

       Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

             ***** Sequence for V838 Monocerotis *****

0659-03   V838 Mon     R.A. = 07h04m04s.8, Decl.= -03o50'51" (2000.0)

This list contains photometry for bright comparison stars around
V838 Mon. Star names are from Yale Bright Star Catalogue (HR
numbers), Henry Draper Catalogue and its extension (HD). The
Flamsteed name is given for the brightest star. The sequence contains
V magnitudes and B-V colours with corresponding uncertainties. Only
apparently single stars with B-V < +0.7 have been selected.
References for photometry are the UBV Photometric System catalogue
(J.-C. Mermilliod and M. Mermilliod, 1998), Tycho-2 catalogue (E. Hog
et al., 2000), CCD photometry by A. Henden, USNO, obtained from
ftp://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/sequence/ . The method by
M. Bessell (PASP, 112, 961, 2000) was used in transforming Tycho-2
BT and VT photometry to V and B-V. Last column gives the angular
distances from V838 Mon. This sequence may be used for visual
observations as well as PEP/CCD photometry with proper filters.

Id  R.A. (2000.0) Decl.  Star Name  Vmag  sV   B-V  sB-V Ref     Dist
    h  m   s    o  '  "                                            '
A  07 02 54.8 -04 14 21  19 Mon     4.98 0.01 -0.20 0.01 UBVcat  29.3
B  06 54 24.7 -01 07 37  HR 2572    5.44 0.00 +0.17 0.01 UBVcat 218.3
C  06 50 49.8 -00 32 27  HR 2530    5.76 0.00 +0.39 0.00 UBVcat 280.7
D  07 00 18.0 -05 22 02  HR 2622    6.29 0.01 +0.57 0.00 UBVcat 107.3
E  06 50 43.3 -04 15 58  HD 49935   6.86 0.02 -0.10 0.02 Tycho2 201.4

F  07 03 37.2 -02 28 27  HD 53085   7.20 0.02 -0.11 0.02 Tycho2  82.7
G  07 03 25.4 -03 01 31  HD 53056   7.47 0.01 +0.14 0.00 UBVcat  50.3
H  06 58 57.2 -04 01 07  HD 51871   7.75 0.02 -0.04 0.02 Tycho2  77.4
J  07 04 20.9 -03 03 02  HD 53299   8.17 0.01 +0.70 0.02 UBVcat  48.0
K  07 02 04.3 -04 01 11  HD 52691   8.48 0.02 +0.37 0.03 Tycho2  31.8

L  07 03 49.7 -03 59 57  HD 53135   9.09 0.03 +0.01 0.03 Tycho2   9.8
M  07 04 55.6 -03 55 42  HD 53426   9.45 0.04 +0.29 0.05 Tycho2  13.6
N  07 02 25.0 -03 53 23  HD 296116  9.66 0.05 +0.32 0.05 Tycho2  25.0
P  07 03 25.8 -03 51 41  HD 296109 10.09 0.02 +0.37 0.02 Henden   9.8
R  07 04 09.5 -03 53 01  HD 296278 10.71 0.02 +0.04 0.02 Henden   2.5

Star L: Henden has V = 9.14 (+/- 0.03) and B-V = +0.10 (+/-0.05).
Star P: Tycho-2 gives V = 10.21 (+/-0.07) and B-V = +0.29 (+/-0.08).
Star R: Tycho-2 gives V = 10.61 (+/-0.09) and B-V = +0.10 (+/-0.09).

A short list of red stars (B-V > +1.2) is also included for colour
Id  R.A. (2000.0) Decl.  Star Name  Vmag  sV   B-V  sB-V Ref     Dist
    h  m   s    o  '  "                                            '
1  07 04 05.2 -05 19 26  HD 53208   5.61 0.01 +1.29 0.00 UBVcat  88.6
2  07 02 06.7 -03 45 17  HD 52690   6.60 0.02 +1.61 0.03 Tycho2  30.0
3  07 03 26.7 -04 15 59  HD 53033   7.40 0.02 +1.39 0.03 Tycho2  26.9
4  07 03 17.4 -04 01 04  HD 53006   8.17 0.02 +1.56 0.05 Tycho2  15.6
5  07 03 58.3 -04 03 48  HD 296134  9.23 0.04 +1.55 0.10 Tycho2  13.0

I would like to thank Brian Skiff, Lowell Observatory, for very
helpful comments. In preparing this sequence I made use of the
web services of General Catalogue of Photometric Data and VizieR
Service of Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg.

                                     2002 February 4,
                                     Bjorn H. Granslo

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