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[vsnet-sequence 123] EN Cet

Another interesting new cataclysmic variable, EN Cet.

Excerpt from IAUC 6763:

    The Beijing Astronomical Observatory (BAO) supernova survey,
with A. Esamdin, Urumqi Astronomical Station, reports their
discovery on Oct. 28, using the 0.6-m reflector at Xinglong Station,
of a cataclysmic variable star in outburst at R.A. = 0h27m27s.93,
Decl. = -1 08'26".8 (equinox 2000.0).  Available R magnitudes:  Oct.
17.64 UT, 14.5; 21.67, 14.9; 28.61, 15.4; 29.61, 15.6; 30.45, 15.8.
The variable did not apppear on CCD images obtained on Oct. 8
(limiting mag 18.5), and it appears as a very faint object on the
original Palomar Sky Survey.  A spectrum of the star, obtained by X.
Dong and Y. Zhao with the BAO 2.16-m telescope at Xinglong on Oct.
30.56, shows typical features of cataclysmic variables in outburst,
with mainly a blue continnum at 500-800 nm, and a spectrum at 380-
500 nm that is similar to the dwarf nova CY Lyr at maximum, with
absorption of H-delta, H-gamma, H-beta, and weak He I (447.1 nm).

Charts with a preliminary visual sequence from USNO A2.0 are now online at

Mike Simonsen

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