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[vsnet-sequence 112] (fwd) sequence of new SDSS CVs (Henden)

(fwd) sequence of new SDSS CVs (Henden)

From: aah@nofs.navy.mil
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 08:25:51 -0700
Subject: [vsnet-chat 4890] new SDSS CVs

I've placed on the anon ftp server:
12 BV field photometry files for some of the new SDSS CVs.
Unfortunately, they have peculiar names, like p352f26.dat,
which are the plate-fiber numbers from table 2 of the paper.
I'll change this some day.  Field photometry for the
remainder of the list will appear in the next month or so.
  SDSS0151 (p430f430) was caught in a mini-outburst in its file,
with an outburst magnitude of 17.1; a more reasonable
expectation for outburst is the PG magnitude of 15.7.
SDSS1730 (p352f26) was also seen in outburst at V=15.4.
I expect these two and the rest of the new CVs to be
accessible to visual observers during outburst or superoutburst.
The good news is with spectra and quiescent multicolor photometry,
these stars have pretty solid classifications.

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