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[vsnet-sequence 69] TU Crt chart

A chart for TU Crt based on Henden photometry and sequence by Sumner is
available at


Sequence attached below.

Mike Simonsen


108  TU CRATERIS   (UGSU)   Range: 12.1-17.5B
     Position:   11 03 36.61  -21 37 45.7 (J2000, from .dat file)
     Magnitude:  V=15.471  B-V=0.068      (in .dat file)

ID     RA  (2000)   DEC       X    Y   N    V      ERR     B-V    ERR

a) Comparison star sequence

1   11 03 36.6  -21 34 20     1  206  2   9.770  0.007   1.021  0.008
2   11 03 26.6  -21 38 24  -139  -38  5  10.404  0.321   0.571  0.053
3   11 03 21.4  -21 32 52  -212  294  5  11.011  0.168   0.419  0.030
4   11 03 15.1  -21 39 20  -300  -94  5  11.482  0.060   0.634  0.030
5   11 03 03.0  -21 41 22  -469 -216  1  12.157  0.002   1.129  0.003
6   11 03 02.0  -21 37 58  -483  -12  1  13.653  0.004   0.594  0.006
7   11 03 50.1  -21 35 01   189  165  4  14.126  0.011   0.960  0.011
8   11 03 16.4  -21 34 32  -282  194  4  14.468  0.021   0.678  0.002
9   11 03 19.4  -21 39 48  -239 -122  5  14.790  0.018   0.554  0.009
10  11 03 33.3  -21 35 07   -46  159  4  15.123  0.009   0.964  0.016
11  11 03 42.0  -21 36 27    75   79  4  15.349  0.014   0.702  0.010
12  11 03 37.7  -21 35 44    16  122  4  15.647  0.014   0.631  0.008
13  11 03 42.2  -21 37 36    78   10  4  16.085  0.000   1.042  0.013
14  11 03 32.2  -21 37 25   -61   21  4  17.235  0.051   1.217  0.060
15  11 03 46.3  -21 39 27   136 -101  4  17.715  0.020   0.893  0.031

b) Wide-colour extension for CCD calibration

    11 03 23.4  -21 43 17  -184 -331  1  14.619  0.007   0.582  0.010
    11 03 50.0  -21 34 05   187  221  4  15.219  0.013   0.617  0.013
    11 03 10.5  -21 41 37  -364 -230  1  14.504  0.006   1.349  0.013
    11 03 17.5  -21 37 08  -266   38  5  16.273  0.016   1.488  0.071


1. Stars #1, #2, #3 and #4 are saturated. Their magnitudes and
colours are approximate. However two of them do do have reliable
Tycho-2 magnitudes, as follows: star #1 V=9.10+/-0.03 and star #2
V=10.02+/-0.06. The other two have less reliable Tycho-2 magnitudes:
#3 V=10.71+/-0.10 and star #4 V=11.55+/-0.18. For a visual sequence
use v=107 and v=115 for these two stars.

2. There is a VSS RASNZ chart available, No. 1131 dated 1995, with
comparison star letters. Four RASNZ lettered star, 'c', 'f', 'k' and
'o' are not used in this sequence, and 'h' and 'm' were not measured.

                         ID     Henden     RASNZ    Tycho-2
                               V     B-V            V   B-V
                         1   9.770  1.021    a     9.10 1.35
                         2  10.404  0.571    b    10.03 0.60
                            10.800  0.403    f    11.24 0.74
                         3  11.011  0.419    d    10.71 0.54
                            11.250  1.150    c    10.70 0.55
                         4  11.482  0.634    e    11.55 0.31
                         5  12.157  1.129    g
                         6  13.653  0.594    l
                         7  14.126  0.960    n
                            14.884  0.685    o
                        10  15.123  0.964    p
                        11  15.349  0.702    q
                            15.521  1.246    k

Bruce Sumner
Revised 31 July 1999
Second revision 1 April 2001

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