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[vsnet-sequence 56] Re: U Monocerotis sequence

Re: U Monocerotis sequence

After sending the U Mon sequence to VSNET I detetected some errors
concerning comparison star 'Z'.

In table 1, the line
> Z  07 26 55.4 -09 33 47   TYC 5400-3758   8.51  +0.19  TYC1  0.75

should be replaced by
Z  07 33 48.4  -09 40 53  TYC 5401-0179  8.51  +0.19  TYC1  0.75

The comments for this star should also be deleted. A revised version
of the sequence is placed at


I am sorry for the inconvenience.

                                   With kind regards,
                                    Bjorn H. Granslo

VSNET Home Page
