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[vsnet-sequence 3] CI Aql - comparison sequence

174  CI AQUILAE   (NR)   Range: 8.8-16.2V
     Position:   18 52 03.58  -01 28 38.9  (J2000, from .dat file)
     Magnitude:  13.340    B-V=0.821       (in .dat file)
ID     RA  (2000)   DEC       X    Y  N    V      ERR     B-V    ERR 

a) Comparison star sequence

1   18 52 09.1  -01 24 04    82  275  4  10.893  0.034   1.729  0.033 
2   18 52 16.3  -01 24 08   191  272  4  11.502  0.022   1.721  0.016 
3   18 51 48.5  -01 28 15  -227   24  4  11.769  0.023   1.448  0.016 
4   18 52 10.5  -01 27 27   103   72  7  12.407  0.048   0.665  0.010 
5   18 52 06.2  -01 22 42    39  357  4  12.617  0.110   0.749  0.048 
6   18 51 46.8  -01 26 38  -252  121  4  12.858  0.011   0.916  0.008 
7   18 51 49.8  -01 24 11  -207  268  4  13.212  0.027   0.902  0.017 
8   18 51 52.3  -01 26 59  -170  100  7  13.525  0.017   0.969  0.012 
9   18 51 45.3  -01 29 46  -275  -67  4  13.634  0.023   0.854  0.012 
10  18 51 59.1  -01 30 57   -68 -137  7  13.990  0.019   1.068  0.020 
11  18 52 07.4  -01 33 18    57 -279  4  14.423  0.024   0.882  0.015 
12  18 52 11.5  -01 28 23   119   16  6  14.849  0.018   1.169  0.016 
13  18 52 06.5  -01 27 42    43   57  5  15.338  0.037   1.396  0.024 
14  18 52 03.1  -01 28 46    -7   -7  3  15.470  0.008   1.199  0.015 
15  18 51 58.1  -01 27 33   -83   66  5  15.568  0.014   1.200  0.027 
16  18 51 57.3  -01 28 12   -95   27  5  15.792  0.026   1.749  0.027 
17  18 52 13.0  -01 28 28   141   11  2  16.215  0.043   1.335  0.026 
18  18 52 02.2  -01 29 47   -21  -68  5  16.695  0.047   1.505  0.050 
19  18 52 02.7  -01 28 35   -14    4  4  17.440  0.087   1.466  0.187 

b) Wide-colour extension for CCD calibration

    18 52 06.4  -01 31 03    42 -144  6  14.707  0.018   2.924  0.047 
    18 51 50.3  -01 28 13  -199   26  5  15.401  0.022   2.728  0.085 
    18 52 05.1  -01 26 01    23  158  5  15.656  0.022   2.847  0.086 
    18 51 51.9  -01 31 00  -176 -141  5  15.829  0.043   2.922  0.088 


1. This is a very crowded and red field, which is the reason that a 
number of stars that would normally be too red to be included in a 
sequence primarily intended for visual observers are included in this

2. Star 14, only 10 arcsec SW of CI Aql, is heavily contaminated by 
the bright variable in the new Henden field photometry. The magnitude 
and colour for this star in the above sequence is taken from the 
earlier photometry of Henden & Honeycutt, PASP,107,324,1995, when 
CI Aql was faint.

Bruce Sumner
13 July 2000


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