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[vsnet-sdor 28] (fwd) VIIth catalogue of galactic WR stars

(fwd) VIIth catalogue of galactic WR stars

Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 18:55:37 +0200
From: "Karel van der Hucht" <K.A.van.der.Hucht@sron.nl>
Subject: Fwd: VIIth catalogue of galactic WR stars


Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 10:25:06 +0100
From: "Karel van der Hucht" <K.A.van.der.Hucht@sron.nl>
Subject: Re: Table 13 in VIIth catalogue of galactic WR stars

Hi Thierry,

Thanks for your interest in the VIIth Catalogue.
I will put a ASCII version of the Tables on my website,
just give me a couple of weeks, because I am out of town.

The published version is now in
New Astronomy Reviews 45, 135
and you can find a .pdf file in


Karel A. van der Hucht                   tel   +31-30-2535729/5600
Space Research Organization Netherlands  fax   +31-30-2540860
Sorbonnelaan 2                           email K.A.van.der.Hucht@sron.nl
NL-3584 CA UTRECHT, The Netherlands      www   http://www.sron.nl/

>>> Thierry Morel <morel@iucaa.ernet.in> 26-2-01 11:54:27 >>>
Dear Karel,

I'm wondering whether it would be possible to have access to the LATEX (or
ASCII) version of Table 13 in your VIIth catalogue of galactic WR stars. I'd
like to match this WR catalogue with a source list but I don't see
myself typing all the coordinates by hand... Thanks a lot.

Congratulations for your WR catalogue. This is an impressive and very
useful piece of work!


        Dr. Thierry Morel
        Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA)
        Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind
        Pune, 411 007
        Phone:  [91] (0)20 5658858 ext:311
        Fax:    [91] (0)20 5650760
        e-mail: morel@iucaa.ernet.in=20

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