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[vsnet-rvtau 15] R Sge in 2MASS

R Sge in 2MASS

  This RV Tau (RVB) star is not very red in 2MASS.

GSC1618.140 201403.72 +164335.1 (2000.0)  8.81 1
USNO1050.17310739 201403.718 +164335.18 (2000.0) 99.9  9.8
2MASS 201403.748 +164334.83 (2000.0)  7.825  7.236  6.546
IRAS20117+1634 201146.8 +163425 (1950.0)
    F12=10.96  F25=7.58  F60=2.09  F100=1.74L
    VAR=61 LRS=-1
    IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell
201403.6 +164335 (2000.0) SAO105871 99.9 8.6 G5
201403.7 +164334 (2000.0) IRAS20117+1634 10.600 7.543 2.123 1.723L 61%
201403.7 +164334 (2000.0) SSC20117+1634 10.600 7.543 2.123 1.723L
201403.9 +164333 (2000.0) UBV_RSge 8.97 0.92 0.84 .125 .170 .270 G0Ib N=2 Nm=2 -
201403.7 +164335 (2000.0) 919Vv 0.98 TYC1618.140.1 plx=-4.2(13.3) (0.03 0.04)
201403.6 +164334 (2000.0) 920 0.98 TYC2-1618.140.1 (9.31 0.02) (10.46 0.04)
201403.7 +164335 (2000.0) SGER * RVB 8.0 10.4 V 43830 70.770 - G0Ib-G8Ib R1/SGE1

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