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[vsnet-recent-ip 1257] AE Aqr recent (cont'd)

AE Aqr recent (cont'd)

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20010919.869   113  (P. A. Dubovsky)
  20010920.816   114  (P. A. Dubovsky)
  20010923.078   115  (E. van Ballegoij)
  20011002.783   111  (P. A. Dubovsky)
  20011006.087   115  (E. van Ballegoij)
  20011006.812   112  (P. A. Dubovsky)
  20011012.784   114  (P. A. Dubovsky)
  20011015.085   113  (E. van Ballegoij)

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