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[vsnet-rcb 71] SV Sge in 2MASS

SV Sge in 2MASS

  This RCB star is red in 2MASS.

GSC1590.1528 190811.75 +173741.3 (2000.0) 11.69 1
USNO1050.13338216 190811.754 +173741.37 (2000.0) 11.7 99.9
2MASS 190811.736 +173740.08 (2000.0)  0.000  0.000  0.000
2MASS 190811.772 +173741.10 (2000.0)  6.947  6.413  5.890
2MASS 190811.784 +173741.16 (2000.0)  0.000  0.000  0.000
IRAS19059+1732 190558.4 +173250 (1950.0)
    F12=3.63  F25=1.58  F60=0.44L F100=3.98L
    VAR=56 LRS=-1
 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
190811.8 +173739 (2000.0) IRAS19059+1732 3.769 1.648 0.454L 3.874L 56%
190811.8 +173739 (2000.0) SSC19059+1732 3.769 1.648 0.454L 3.874L
190811.7 +173741 (2000.0) 1108 TYC1590.1528.1
190811.7 +173741 (2000.0) 1108HV3 1.89 HIP093987 plx=0.52(3.56) (0.00 0.51) U 10.64-12.44
190811.7 +173741 (2000.0) SGESV * RCB 11.5 16.2 P - - - C0-3,2-3(R2) R1/SGE1

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