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[vsnet-preprint 27] TmzV36 preprint

TmzV36 preprint

Dear Colleagues,

   The following article is accepted for publication as IBVS No. 5097.

   The figures are placed at:

Taichi Kato




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\IBVShead{xxxx}{xx May 2001}

\IBVStitletl{Outburst Photometry of T\lowercase{mz}V36}

\IBVSauth{Taichi~Kato$^1$, Makoto~Uemura$^1$}
\vskip 5mm

\IBVSinst{Dept. of Astronomy, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan,
          e-mail: tkato@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp,\\

\IBVSkey{dwarf nova, photometry}


   TmzV36 is a variable star discovered by Takamizawa (Takamizawa 1998).
The J2000.0 coordinates are 09\h 16\m 50\fs 7, +28\deg 49\arcm 42\arcs.
Takamizawa (1998) reported only two positive detections on 1994 November
29--30.  Takamizawa reported that the star is visible at mag 18 on DSS 1.
Since Takamizawa's record suggested an outburst of a dwarf nova-type
variable, the object has been monitored since 1998 by VSNET
(http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/) members.  No further outburst
had been reported until Schmeer's detection on 1999 November 17.528 UT,
at unfiltered CCD magnitude of 14.7 (Schmeer 1999).  The rapid rise
reported by Schmeer (1999), together with the subsequent evolution of
the event, confirmed the suggested dwarf nova-type classification.
The lack of further outbursts until 2001 April supports the low frequency
of outbursts in TmzV36.  We started time-resolved CCD photometry upon
this alert, only 1.3 d after Schmeer's detection.

\vskip 3mm

   The CCD observations were done using an unfiltered ST-7 camera attached to
the Meade 25-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.  The exposure time was 30 s.
A total of 621 useful frames were obtained.  The images were dark-subtracted,
flat-fielded, and analyzed using the Java$^{\rm TM}$-based PSF photometry
package developed by one of the authors (TK).  The flux of the object was
determined relative to GSC 1957.358 (GSC magnitude 12.65), whose constancy
during the run was confirmed by comparison with anonymous fainter
stars.  Barycentric corrections to the observed times were applied
before the following analysis.  The log of observations together with
nightly average magnitudes is given in Table 1.  The light curve drawn
from these data is presented in Figure 1.

Table 1. Nightly averaged magnitudes of TmzV36 \\
start$^a$ & end$^a$ & mean mag$^b$ & error$^c$ & N$^d$ \\
51501.341 & 51501.349 & 2.970 & 0.044 & 12 \\
51502.141 & 51502.245 & 3.519 & 0.020 & 201 \\
51503.173 & 51503.340 & 4.512 & 0.029 & 264 \\
51504.108 & 51504.150 & 5.480 & 0.318 & 80 \\
51508.349 & 51508.365 & 6.258 & 0.946 & 23 \\
51509.358 & 51509.370 & 5.881 & 0.264 & 17 \\
51512.227 & 51512.230 & 5.780 & 0.492 & 10 \\
51513.222 & 51513.225 & 5.866 & 0.984 & 8 \\
51516.333 & 51516.337 & 6.425 & 0.949 & 6 \\
\hskip 35mm $^a$ BJD$-$2400000

\hskip 35mm $^b$ Magnitude relative to GSC 1957.358

\hskip 35mm $^c$ Standard error of nightly average

\hskip 35mm $^d$ Number of frames


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\IBVSfig{10cm}{fig1.ps}{Overall light curve of TmzV36}

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   As seen in Figure 1 and Table 1, TmzV36 rapidly faded following the
outburst maximum.  The maximum rate of decline was 1.0 mag d$^{-1}$,
which is comparable to those of normal outbursts of SU UMa-type dwarf
novae.  However, some of short-period SS Cyg-type dwarf novae also
show similar rapid declines.  The exact classification of the dwarf nova
subtype awaits further observations.  The object returned to quiescence
within 7 days of the outburst detection.  The measured amplitude
of the outburst from this observation was 3.0 mag.  Since Takamizawa's
detection in 1994 was 1 mag brighter than the present outburst, there
may be two types of outbursts, possibly suggesting the SU UMa-type
nature.  Figure 2 shows the enlarged light curve of the first three
nights of the outburst.  Only rapid fading was observed, and no definitely
periodic modulations attributable to superhumps were detected.

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\IBVSfig{10cm}{fig2.ps}{Enlarged light curve of TmzV36.  Each point
represents averages and errors of 0.004-d bins.}

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The authors are grateful to VSNET members for providing visual observations
covering years, and P. Schmeer for promptly and publicly notifying the
Part of this work is supported by a Research Fellowship of the
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Young Scientists (MU).


Schmeer, P., 1999, {\it VSNET alert circulation}, No. 3718 \\
  (available from

Takamizawa, K., 1998, {\it VSNET observations}, No. 10504 \\
  (available from


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