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[vsnet-outburst 5671] V478 Sco outburst

Dear colleagues,

as of 2003-06-22 6:00 UT I find the dwarf nova V478 Sco having brightened 
by 1.4 mag with respect to last night (based on CCD observations in the R 
band). The system currently (7:00 UT) is still increasing at a rate of 
roughly 0.05 mag/h.

If the star has been in quiescence last night (the light curve seems to 
indicate so), and assuming R = 16 (Zwitter & Munari 1996), this would mean 
that roughly  R = 14.5 at 2003-06-22 6:00 UT.

Sorry that I can't be more specific, but I observed the system only to 
fill in gaps between my actual targets, and I don't have any information 
on suitable comparison stars of known brightness.

Claus Tappert.

Claus Tappert, Departamento de Fisica, Grupo de Astronomia
Universidad de Concepcion, Casilla 160-C, Concepcion, Chile
phone: +56-41-203438
email: claus@gemini.cfm.udec.cl
WWW: http://duende.cfm.udec.cl/~claus/
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