V601 Sco: potential identification problem Regarding the recent detection of a brightening of V601 Sco by Rod Stubbings, and rather negative CCD observation by Berto Monard: After a discussion with Rod Stubbings and Berto Monard, it has become evident that V601 Sco has not been yet unambiguously identified in the past literature. My comment follows. === It is possible that Rod actually observed the "true" brightening of V601 Sco. The identification on Downes CV atlas comes from Vogt and Bateson, who simply selected a "blue" object near the originally reported position. It is possible that the true V601 Sco is a red variable, which may be now rising. Please take a few snapshots (not necessarily nightly), Berto, with short exposure times to avoid saturation. This observation could reveal the true identity of V601 Sco. Regards, Taichi Kato