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[vsnet-outburst 3345] HV Vir extremely rare outburst

Visual magnitude estimates by P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany:

2001 Dec. 30.23  UT, [13.3 ; 31.22 , [13.0
2002 Jan.  4.229 UT,  13.0 ;  4.237,  13.0
Sequence:   GSC
Instrument: 203-mm SCT

Before submitting my initial report (vsnet-alert 6964) I checked for
nearby known minor planets (see also vsnet-alert 5766-5768).
The last recorded outburst (a supermaximum) was detected by me on
1992 Apr. 20.928 UT at mv= 12.0 (IAUC 5502).
The mean cycle length of HV Vir is 10.4 years (or a fraction thereof).

Suitable comparison stars:
               GSC       AAVSO    Misselt
GSC 300.406    12.48     12.4               
GSC 300.56     12.73     13.1
GSC 300.1074   13.34     13.4
GSC 300.603    14.35     14.0     V=14.148, B-V=0.589 
Photometry for the first three stars is urgently required.
The GSC magnitudes seem to be 0.2 magnitudes too faint.

VIRHV 20011230.23  <133 Scp
VIRHV 20011231.22  <130 Scp 
VIRHV 20020104.229  130 Scp
VIRHV 20020104.237  130 Scp 

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