Dear colleagues, finally I have a minute to reduce my dataset on QW Ser which I observed using 60cm Newton with I band. The star was observed for 3 hours and only linear fading modulated by some flickering was observed. Maybe this is only a normal outburst but anyway I don't know when was last superoutburst and how supercycle aprox. long is so i don't know the nature yet. Maybe more observation will help (but personaly I think it should be more interesting to switch to another outbursting systyem, such as AY Lyr which is covered here :) With best regards Rudolf > QW Ser outburst fading, but relatively slowly > > Fading slow for a normal outburst. Has anyone detected superhumps? > > YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer > 20010428.308 <144 (M. Simonsen) > 20010428.972 <151 (M. Reszelski) > 20010429.181 <144 (M. Simonsen) > 20010429.628 147 (R. Stubbings) > 20010429.644 147 (R. Stubbings) > 20010429.979 132 (P. A. Dubovsky) > 20010430.050 133 (M. Reszelski) > 20010430.562 132 (R. Stubbings) > 20010501.064 136 (M. Reszelski) > 20010501.598 140 (R. Stubbings) > 20010501.885 140 (M. Reszelski) > 20010501.967 141 (P. A. Dubovsky) > > >