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[vsnet-obs 2940] VS Obs Jun 12/13

Variable Star Observations for June 12th/13th 1996
Gary Poyner
E-mail gp@star.sr.bham.ac.uk
TA/BAA Recurrent Objects Programme:
Instrument: 40cm, 22cm & 10x50B

Star             UT            Mag
3C 273    Jun  12.947          12.6
3C 279         12.947         <14.2
3C 371         12.983          15.4
And DX         13.060          14.8
And EG         13.055           7.6
And HP         13.056         <12.6
And LS         13.056         <12.2
And RX         13.055          11.9
And Z          13.059          10.7
Aql CI         13.045         <15.0
Aql EY         13.044         <13.4
Aql N95        13.050          13.9
Aql V1413      13.033          11.2
Aql V603       13.051          11.6
Boo CR         12.959          14.5
Boo TT         12.950         <14.8
Boo UZ         12.949         <14.4
Cam Z          12.935          11.5
Cas HT         13.060         <14.3
Cas N95        12.948           9.7
Cas UV         12.949          10.7
Cas V452       13.062         <14.2
Cas V630       13.061         <14.5
Cas V635       13.063          14.8
Cas V705       12.949          12.3
Cep FX         12.981         <15.1
Com AL         12.956         <14.7
Com GO         12.957         <14.8
Com W          12.958          14.7
CrB R          12.952           8.5
CrB T          12.951          10.3
CrB Var21      12.955         <15.4
CVn TX         12.944          10.1
Cyg BF         13.015          11.6
Cyg CH         13.029           9.6
Cyg CI         13.001          11.0
Cyg EM         13.013          12.6
Cyg EY         13.001          14.8
Cyg Q          13.025          14.9
Cyg Scovil     13.032         <14.8
Cyg SS         13.024          12.5
Cyg V1016      13.004          10.6
Cyg V1028      13.031         <15.1
Cyg V1057      13.011          12.5
Cyg V1060      13.008         <15.0
Cyg V1089      13.017         <14.1
Cyg V1113      13.030         <15.6
Cyg V1251      13.029         <15.3
Cyg V1316      13.005          14.6
Cyg V1329      13.002          13.6
Cyg V1330      13.003         <14.7
Cyg V1363      12.999         <15.6
Cyg V1454      12.999         <13.9
Cyg V1504      13.010         <15.5
Cyg V1711      13.016         <14.7
Cyg V1974      12.994          15.2
Cyg V337       13.006         <13.7
Cyg V404       12.996         <15.3
Cyg V482       12.997          11.0
Cyg V516       13.007          14.7
Cyg V542       13.031         <15.8
Cyg V630       13.028         <14.9
Cyg V632       13.026         <15.3
Cyg V751       13.012          14.5
Cyg V795       13.014         <14.4
Del IO         13.042         <15.5
Dra AB         12.978          14.9
Dra AG         12.977           9.5
Dra DO         12.937         <14.3
Dra DV         12.969         <15.5
GD552          12.982         <15.7
Her AH         12.963          12.5
Her AM         12.970          14.9
Her DQ         12.971          14.3
Her HZ         12.964          13.3
Her V443       12.965          12.1
Her V589       12.967         <15.5
Her V592       12.967         <15.3
Her YY         12.965          13.1
HS1804+6753    12.973          12.7   Outburst
LMi SX         12.944         <13.9
Lyr AY         12.985         <15.3
Lyr DM         12.987         <14.8
Lyr HR         12.988         <15.2
Lyr MV         12.992         <15.2
Lyr V344       12.986         <14.8
Lyr V358       12.993         <13.9
Lyr V419       12.989         <15.4
Lyr V493       12.990         <15.1
Mark 421       12.942          13.0
NSV 7378       12.951           9.6
NSV 786        12.974         <15.0
Oph RS         13.018          11.8
Oph Var25      13.024         <15.5   See remarks below
Peg AG         13.065           8.6
Peg EF         13.065         <14.4
Peg IP         13.058         <12.9
Peg RU         13.057          12.7
Per DY         13.054          10.9
Per TZ         13.054          13.0   Outburst
Per UV         13.052         <12.8
Per UW         13.053         <12.6
PG1510+234     12.961          15.8:
PG1633+115     12.963         <15.4
Sco U          12.972         <12.6
Sct EU         13.049         <14.9
Sct FS         13.047         <15.1
Sct N81        13.046         <14.0
Ser FG         13.019          11.7
Ser LX         12.960          14.9
Sge AW         13.041         <14.5
Sge FG         13.037         <13.7
Sge HM         13.034          11.7
Sge QW         13.035          11.3
Sge RZ         13.039         <15.5
Sge SV         13.033          10.8
Sge V          13.038          13.1
Sge WZ         13.040          15.4
TAV0033+59     13.063          10.7
UMa BC         12.941         <14.0
UMa BZ         12.940         <13.7
UMa CH         12.936          14.3
UMa CY         12.942         <14.4
UMa DI         12.939         <14.2
UMa DV         12.943         <14.4
UMa ER         12.938          13.7
UMa SU         12.940          13.0   Outburst
UMa SW         12.938         <14.3
UMi SS         12.976          13.9   Outburst
UMi Z          12.976          12.9
Vir HV         12.946         <14.4
Vul PU         13.038          11.6
Vul RZ         13.035          12.6
Vul TY         13.043         <14.7

** Var25 Oph
   Visual observers who are considering adding this object to their
   programmes should note that there is a mag 15.5 (approx.) star
   near to the quoted position of Var25 Oph which is not listed
   in the GSC.  This may lead to erroneous outburst alerts, as happened
   to me last night when I interrupted Tonny Vanmunster from a photometric
   CCD run looking for confirmation of what I thought was Var25 Oph in 
   outburst (sorry Tonny).  If someone could post a CCD image on FTP
   somewhere, this would be a great help to us poor visual observers.
