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[vsnet-obs 1774] Obs Dec. 25-26


Observer  : Eric Broens, Mol, Belgium
            [VVS Belgium, variable star section]
            Internet: ebroens@innet.be

Instr.    : 0.35m f/5 Newton - 10 X 50 binoculars

Observations for 1995 Dec. 25-26

[breaks in clouds, afterwards clear]

 star        date [UT]       magn.
 ----        ---------       -----
AR And        25.853         12.2   Outburst
DX And        25.843        <14.2
FN And        25.845        <14.7
FO And        25.854        <14.7
HP And        25.858        <14.1
KV And        25.872        <14.5
KW And        25.876        <14.7
LS And        25.861        <15.6
PQ And        25.850        <15.2
RX And        25.846         11.1
FS Aur        26.016        <14.8
SS Aur        25.858        <14.5
Z Cam         26.009         10.4   Outburst
N Cas 95      25.833          8.5
HL CMa        26.036         10.7   Outburst
CC Cnc        26.041        <14.6
DE Cnc        26.037        <14.8
OJ287 Cnc     26.049         14.4
YZ Cnc        26.033        <14.2
SS Cyg        25.831         12.5
V1028 Cyg     25.839        <14.5
V1251 Cyg     25.837        <14.3
V542 Cyg      25.840        <13.9
V630 Cyg      25.835        <14.9
V632 Cyg      25.835        <14.6
DO Dra        26.011        <14.3
AW Gem        26.026        <14.5
CI Gem        26.028        <14.0
U Gem         26.019         14.2
X Leo         26.053         12.0   Outburst
IP Peg        25.842        <13.9
KT Per        25.972         12.0   Outburst
PU Per        25.999        <14.5
PV Per        25.993        <14.5
PY Per        25.995        <14.2
QY Per        25.992        <14.2
TZ Per        25.869         12.8   Outburst
UV Per        25.868        <14.6
UW Per        25.868        <15.1
TY Psc        25.856        <14.3
SU Tau        25.864        <14.3
V701 Tau      25.983         14.1   OUTBURST
UW Tri        26.004        <14.9
BZ UMa        26.057        <14.1
CH UMa        26.010        <14.0