From John Greaves (non-spamming portion extracted). To John Greaves: you were informed of the way to post VSNET more than a while ago. Don't stop complaining on this, and don't bother other persons (highly duplicated efforts to those who are requested!) to get your opinions to go. On IBVS: this policy of reporting new variable stars was already discussed six years ago, and necessary items for reporting were already listed. The policy is Just substantiated now. Regards, Taichi Kato === For new variables I can suggest an alternative. The IBVS appears to have been taking positive steps towards the problem of dealing with new stars found, something they once couldn't quite cope with, and have provided a nice little venue, see: although you're going to have to be able to suggest a type and reveal a period, it seems suitable for a lot of folk. I don't think they'll arbitrarily start spamming you either, they're not really known for that. See for the submittals so far. John Greaves
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